It is called The Secret In The Dirt - The Search For The Move. I guess I fooled everyone who thought it would be called PreTorque Golf.
In a day or two I will be putting up a Website at http://www.secretinthedirt.com/ It isn't ready yet, but like everything I do it will just start out small with some fun stuff to look at and read, a chance to sign up and receive a newsletter that I will be starting soon.
You will also be able to buy the book there.
In the mean time you can get it here. It is 20 bucks. I wrote it to tie together the Youtube videos and condense the general ideas I put forward at the Golfwrx.com forum. The Last Chapter about The Hogan Secret I think will be an eye opener for the Hogan junkies out there. You also need the latest version of Acrobat reader because we actually found a way to stream video straight into the book. Very cool but you need the latest version of Reader. It's free here
Anyway. Thanks in advance to everyone who buys the book. I will be expanding and improving it as we go along also. Since it is digital if you buy it you will be entitled to download each new incarnation of The Secret In The Dirt as it expands at no additional cost.
You can buy The Secret In The Dirt for 20 bucks through PayPal by clicking here:
The download is through e-junkie.com just like the Threadnotes was dones. I think that you will be pleased with what I have put together.
If you have high speed the download only takes about 10 seconds. I configured it to download very quick. There's nothing like instant gratification is there?
For those out there with their own websites very soon I will also be creating an affiliate program so that you can promote The Secret In The Dirt from your own site and earn a commission.
Thanks to all,
I'll definitely purchase a copy, I just got to finish a couple of other books first.
Hey, I think that that is great for you! I think I might buy it. Looking forward to the website too!
Dude, I just spent $6 bucks on PreTorque...
Unbelievable, as that popular credit card ad spot goes,
Pretorque, $6, Secret in the Dirt, $20 ...... total investment $26 , value.................................. priceless!
Jeff, dude, give me your address and I'll send you your
six bucks!!
Consider for just a moment the time, talent, passion
and devotion to helping others that went into this
project and you might want to offer an apology sir.
Great stuff, congratulations on putting everything together so well. The video clips really help.
what is inversion of left foot? You mention it in the ebook I bought.
Regarding inversion. That is where you roll to the outside of the left foot on the followthrough. I am in the middle of finishing my first revision which will be out to everybody in a day or two. I will be sure to add some discussion of inversion in the followup to that which should be by around January 15th.
Hey Mike.
something that would be a great addition is some high frame rate slo-mo videos side and back so people can see in high frame rate slo mo how u put evertyhing together.
How profound, how simple, how straight forward, how uncomplicated, how true, how sincere and with such clarity coupled with a great personality as shown on the several videos SEVAM1 IS . GREAT AND WELL DONE
I was taught 38 years ago the importance of the right leg for a right hander and the significance of applying pressure to the right foot with regard to the pivot on the back swing. However the SECRET as preferred by SEVAM1 occurred to me by osmosis but I coupled the FEEL through the pressure on the PAD of my big toe on my right foot with the FEEL in my right hand whilst sighting both behind and through the golf ball. At address I approach with the club in my right hand only squaring to the ball adopting the position pointing my left foot at 45 degrees left in my youth my right foot was square or slightly facing inward towards my left foot. I became aware of the importance of my right foot as I used to wear out the studs under the pad of the big toe twice as fast as the others, realising that I required further studs for stability as my swing speed then was between 134 mph to 138mph
ps My golf hero was/is MR BEN HOGAN and many thanks for introducing MR MOE NORMAN to me, what a lovely sincere and obviously caring man he was.
Read your book today Mike - thoroughly enjoyed it.
I'll be working on your thoughts over the next 2 to 3 weeks and will report back.
Well done with your extensive research.
Colin Wilkin
Thanks for the comliments on the book. I will be adding and revising as time marches on and every once in a while you will find a link to a new copy in your email.
Dries, I will be adding lots of littel things to the book over time and I will think about slo mo for a future update to the book.
I really, really want the e-book, but I'm afraid the technology gremlins will, some how/some way, keep me from being able to view all parts of it. When do you think a hard copy with a DVD might be available?
It will likely be a while before an offline copy is out because the book is designed to be added to and evolve online. I will be adding new video to it over time for instance and also adding and updating chapters. To view it you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 which is a free download al ink comes in the email with the download link for the book. You will need a decent internet connection also because the video streams into the document from the web as you read. If your current internet connection streams Youtubd stuff without much delay then you are basically fine.
Please tell me what's the biomechanical secret associated with keeping the clubface + left wrist square as you rotate your left forearm... How is this possible? jlr
So many questions Mike that I have for you but space just won't allow. I'll have to do it in a series of questions over time. I'll be buying the e-book but the first question I have is why did you quit the game? You said your heart fell out of golf when Hogan died but why do you no longer play? All the best and looking forward to hearing from you.
The left arm can rotate at both the shoulder and ib the forearm between the elbow ansd wrist. the shoulder turns one way and the wrist the other. net effect is near zero.
I quit for a bunch of reasons. I wanted to figure out certain things in the swing which I did so the thrill of searching for certain things was gone. The first incarnation of softspikes made what I was doing more difficult and a bit frustrating. I had some things in my mind about Hogan that mattered more to me while he was alive. My son was born and I decided, being an "all or nothing" type, that it was time to move on to another less time consuming interest so that is what I did. Quit golf like quitting cigarettes.
saw your website. Man how good is your music...!! Keep it coming, can't get enough. Hogan and Moe are smiling.
Great book and it works but I have a question about updates to our book? how do we get the updates/
I turn the shoulder on the b/swing and i hit the ball very solid and it has the click and swosh at contact. I only worry about the right foot and the left kinda stays with resistance on its own so i do not spin out like before
YOur camera man is a hoot and so is casey . These two kinda go hand and hand with your videos
Is This Country Great or What
Hey Mike
I took up another swing system six months ago that is really working for my irons - I hit them flush now. However I couldn't translate that success to the driver and it has become so inconsistent that I cannot put any kind of decent score. Then I tried on a lark the Moe Norman driver swing - and suddenly my driver is very straight and predictable. The only thing is that I lost distance (about 20 per cent). Then I stumbled on your website and saw all your videos. I love them! (do you worry about Casey swallowing a golf ball? :)
Anyway I was just wondering whether your methods would contradict the swing philosophy that I mentioned earlier?
I am ordering your e-book anyway but do you think it is advisable to mix and match swings?
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