Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Man on the Ryder Cup - Abe Mitchell

I found a great article about Abe Mitchell at the website for Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club in East Sussex. It is one of the Top 100 golf courses in the British Isles acording to Golf World. Here’s a link to the club’s website:

Who’s Abe Mitchell?!?!

Well, he’s that little guy on the top of the Ryder Cup. Abe Mitchell was also the longest hitter of his era and probably the finest golfer to never win the British Open although in my opinion that line would be finely drawn between him and Dai Rees who we will talk about another time.

Abe Mitchell was also one of the finest teachers of his time, teaching Samuel Ryder himself.

You Can download a pdf copy of Roger Porter’s article Abe Mitchell – the Man on the Ryder Cup here:

There is also a great photo sequence of good old Abe at The Society if Hickory Golfers that you can actually click a button to animate here:

Here is one of the shots from that sequence.

And you thought Sam Snead invented The Squat. Shame on you. Just look at Abe. No wonder he bombed it!!!
I will talk some more very soon about Abe Mitchell and his incredible insights into all things golf.
You know when you start to study all of this you will find that it was all pretty much figured out about 5 minutes after golf was invented.
Jerry Starks turned me on to Abe. He uses an image from Abe Mitchell's wonderful book Down To Scratch as his Avatar at Golfwrx. Thanks Jerry.


  1. Thank you, Mike, for the fine piece on Abe. He's my
    hero from yesteryears.............. and you are fast becoming my present day golfing hero. I enjoy
    your blog with it's reverence for the great history
    makers. Keep up the great job. Jerry S

  2. Royal Ashdown Forest! I played that course on one of my trips to England. Not a single bunker on the entire course, but plenty of heather and gorse to make up for it. I actually had one of my most memorable iron shots on that course.

    If you're interested in the book Present-Day Golf you can view it here:,M1

    That Google site allows you to view and download hundreds of old golf books.

  3. hey mike have a copy of abe mitchells essentials of golf do you have any use for it steve r
